Uruguay |
1 |
- |
3 |
England |
( |
0 |
- |
3 |
) |
(Carlos Sosa) Enzo Perez del Castillo |
1 |
Frankie Dewdrop |
Diego Viera |
2 |
Graeme Tittle |
Jose Luis Laport |
3 |
Barney Teasdale |
(Alvaro Forlan) Mario Klisich |
4 |
Ted Barnes |
(Gonzalo Olivera) Dario Onetti |
5 |
Harry Sharon |
Jorge Fonseca |
6 |
Freddie Leach |
Vicente Pereyra |
7 |
Peter Drero (Joe Madeley) |
Fabian Blanco |
8 |
Jamie Jemmerson |
Hector Di Fiore |
9 |
Mark Fenwick |
Walter Diaz |
10 |
Joe Barnwell |
Sebestian Montgomery |
11 |
Peter Gloucester |
Substitutes: |
Substitutes: |
Carlos Sosa |
Stewart Turner |
Alvaro Forlan |
Terry Beck |
Gonzalo Olivera |
Joe Madeley |
Mario Zorilla |
Joe Waters |
Goalscorers: |
Goalscorers: |
Hector di Fiore |
Jamie Jemmerson 2 |
Jose Luis Laport [OWN GOAL] |
Bookings and injuries: |
Bookings and injuries: |