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Team honours from Season 1 to Season 22

SFA News

League division and Conference Premier titles

Division 1   Division 2  
1. Toddelo
2. Everpool
3. West Menton United
4. United Rovers
5. West Park City
6. Brentville Albion
7. Brentville Albion
8. Everpool
9. West Park City
10. Brentville Albion
11. Brentville Albion
12. Carford City
13. South Bank City
14. Clarktown Athletic
15. Brentville Albion
16. Easthill City
17. Arbroath Town
18. Arbroath Town
19. West Park City
20. Tyne County
21. Kent Albion
22. Everpool
23. Crimdon Borough
24. Crimdon Borough
1. Everpool
2. United Rovers
3. Easthill City
4. Kirkbridge
5. Scarfel United
6. United City
7. Melchester City
8. Melchester Rovers
9. Carford City
10. Liverport
11. Causly Town
12. Binthorpe United
13. Clarktown Athletic
14. Rosehill
15. Wolverhampton Rovers
16. Tyne County
17. Wellapool
18. Bankvale
19. Portdean
20. Kent Albion
21. Crimdon Borough
22. Ailton Albion
23. Binthorpe United
24. Scarfel Rovers

Division 3   Division 4  
1. West Park City
2. Arbroath Town
3. North Vale
4. Cadbury City
5. Lyncap
6. South Bank City
7. Swinton
8. A: Wolverhampton Rovers   B: Princes Park
9. Rosehill
10. Wellapool
11. Binthorpe United
12. Danefield United
13. Blackport Rovers
14. Redpool
15. Torchestor
16. Villaton
17. Scarfel United
18. United City
19. Scorton
20. Baypool
21. Portwood
22. Hartlington
23. Shropsbury
1. No Play
2. No Play
3. South Bank City
4. Aberdeen Rangers
5. Avonbury
6. Hartlington
7. Ford United
8. Hoarsely
9. Danefield United
10. Portwood
11. Redstone Rovers
12. Liverton
13. Bredbury
14. Grenwich Albion
15. Selby Villa
16. Scarfel Rovers
17. Baydale Athletic
18. Alderbury City
19. Brentwood
20. Selby Villa
21. Grandon Town
22. Skilton Wanderers
23. Hemling Forest

Division 5 / Conference Premier    
1. No Play
2. No Play
3. No Play
4. Bredbury
5. No Play
6. No Play
7. No Play
8. No Play
9. No Play
10. No Play
11. No Play
12. No Play
13. No Play
14. No Play
15. No Play
16. No Play
17. No Play
18. No Play
19. No Play
20. No Play
21. Carfleet
22. Inverairdrie
23. Fenchurch United
SFA News

Cup titles

SFA Cup   SFL Cup  
1. West Park City
2. No Play
3. Bankvale
4. United Rovers
5. Easthill City
6. Brentville Albion
7. Lyncap
8. Ailton Albion
9. Everpool
10. Everpool
11. Wolverhampton Rovers
12. Brentville Albion
13. Binthorpe United
14. Redpool
15. Binthorpe United
16. Toddelo
17. Redpool
18. Villaton
19. Everpool
20. Wolviston Rovers
21. Villaton
22. Everpool
23. Avonbury
1. Toddelo
2. United Rovers
3. West Menton United
4. Kirkbridge
5. West Park City
6. United City
7. Melchester City
8. Everpool
9. Carford City
10. Liverport
11. Causly Town
12. Binthorpe United
13. Clarktown Athletic
14. Rosehill
15. Brentville Albion
16. Tyne County
17. Arbroath Town
18. Arbroath Town
19. West Park City
20. Kent Albion
21. Kent Albion
22. Everpool
23. Crimdon Borough

Charity Shield   De la Pena Cup  
1. West Park City
2. No Play
3. Bankvale
4. United Rovers
5. West Park City
6. Brentville Albion
7. Lyncap
8. Everpool
9. Everpool
10. Liverport
11. Causly Town
12. Binthorpe United
13. Binthorpe United
14. Rosehill
15. Brentville Albion
16. Tyne County
17. Arbroath Town
18. Arbroath Town
19. Everpool
20. Kent Albion
21. Kent Albion
22. Wellapool
23. Crimdon Borough
1. No Play
2. No Play
3. No Play
4. No Play
5. No Play
6. No Play
7. No Play
8. No Play
9. No Play
10. No Play
11. No Play
12. Danefield United
13. Blackport Rovers
14. Redpool
15. Torchestor
16. Scarfel Rovers
17. Scarfel United
18. Alderbury City
19. Brentwood
20. Selby Villa
21. Portwood
22. Hartlington
23. Hemling Forest

SFA Vase    
1. No Play
2. No Play
3. No Play
4. No Play
5. No Play
6. No Play
7. No Play
8. No Play
9. No Play
10. No Play
11. No Play
12. No Play
13. No Play
14. No Play
15. No Play
16. No Play
17. No Play
18. No Play
19. No Play
20. No Play
21. No Play
22. Stratford Rangers
23. Ford United
Santiago Table Soccer With a few exceptions, all team images are taken from Santiago Table Soccer
Used with permission