Season 20 - International match |
Scotland |
2 |
- |
1 |
Spain |
( |
1 |
- |
0 |
) |
Martin Jarvis |
1 |
Vicente Barkero |
Titus Ochieng |
2 |
Sergio Alonso |
John Angus |
3 |
Jose Salinas |
Jack Holiday |
4 |
Carlos Diamantino |
Ray Gemmill |
5 |
Diego Romero (Jose Louis Nones) |
Terry Johnstone |
6 |
Jose Louis Nones (Javier Marquez) |
[CAPTAIN] Ian Weck |
7 |
Luis Clemente |
Lindsay Burns |
8 |
Jesus Redondo |
Colin Fitzhenry |
9 |
Pepe Gonzalez |
Jim Geddis |
10 |
Luis Montoya (Francisco Toledano) |
Hector Kirkcaldy |
11 |
Carlos Torrella |
Substitutes: |
Substitutes: |
Keir Cutler |
Gerardo de Lucas |
Kenny Kambell |
Ildefonso Ortiz |
Richie MacArthur |
Javier Marquez |
Davy Barraclough |
Francisco Toledano |
Goalscorers: |
Goalscorers: |
Colin Fitzhenry |
Carlos Torrella |
Lindsay Burns |
Bookings and injuries: |
Bookings and injuries: |