
Team Kit
1st team
Caps Player Team Age Position
Y Ali Moses Bankvale 33 Gk
Y Peter Pritchard Clarktown Athletic 27 Gk
  Jack Tolson Toddelo 19 Gk
  Ian Woodcock Blackport Rovers 26 Gk
Y Terry Fleming Everpool 27 2
  Gary Blackbird Toddelo 29 2
  Steve Naylor Binthorpe United 25 2
Y Jack Westgarth Arbroath Town 28 2
Y Bill Constable United Rovers 31 3
Y John Turk Woodison Rovers 31 3
Y John Aston Tanfield Wanderers 26 3
Y Joel Kent Brentville Albion 19 3
Y David Woe Easthill City 34 4
  Vic Brackstone North Vale 28 4
Y Byron Wakeley Blackport Rovers 24 4
  Tommy Moore Kirkbridge 25 4
Y Colin Day Liverport 30 5
Y Francis Britton Rentwood Rovers 26 5
Y Len Osgood Brentville Albion 25 5
Y Gordon Hebble West Park City 26 5
Y Wilfred Hare Clarktown Athletic 28 6
Y James Finch Tanfield Wanderers 33 6
Y Tom Chichester Bredbury 27 6
Y Carlton Joseph Redpool 26 6
Y Len Wroe South Bank City 31 7
Y Alec Dennis Torchestor 27 7
Y Cyril Whatmore Woodison Rovers 23 7
  Ian Roebuck Strathwick Rangers 27 7
Y Phil Parish Kirkbridge 30 RW
Y Sol Burnside Wellapool 25 RW
Y Steve Triggs Bankvale 24 RW
Y Mark Fenwick Easthill City 29 9
Y Paul Cropper Arbroath Town 29 9
Y Joe Sinnott Everpool 23 9
Y Peter Wolfgang Alderbury City 24 9
  Karl Glickman Blayden Rangers 22 9
Y Priyantha Karunaratne Brentville Albion 29 10
Y Steve Tiplady South Bank City 27 10
Y Alan Lockjaw Crimdon Borough 30 10
  Steve Garside Tanfield Wanderers 26 10
Y Patrick Newbattle Blackvail 24 10
Y Frank Belgrade Kent Albion 28 LW
Y Mick McKean Carfleet 26 LW
Y Spencer Clarence Canefield Spartans 26 LW
Santiago Table Soccer With a few exceptions, all team images are taken from Santiago Table Soccer
Used with permission